Case Studies

Expert analysis and interpretation of test data has helped get the best possible outcome in court proceedings. Read our case studies to find out more.

FTS Heroin Drug Testing Case Study

Has this person used Heroin in the past 3 months?

Others say she hasn’t…FTS can prove she has.

FTS Cocaine Drug Testing Case Study

Has this person used Cocaine in the past 3 months?

Others say he has…FTS can prove he hasn’t.

FTS testing children in drug misuse cases

Were two children being exposed to drugs?

How testing two children changed the outcome.

FTS testing children in drug misuse case study

Testing a child for drugs

How we identify whether a child is at risk from substance abuse.

FTS Alcohol Testing Case Study Vanillin

Analysis of Vanillin in a Bespoke Alcohol Assessment

Finding the source of ethanol consumed in complex child-case proceedings.

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