Spice is the street name for a drug containing one or more synthetic cannabinoids and has become a widely abused drug to replace cannabis and to be used alongside it.
The toxicity of these new compounds is not well understood and has resulted in numerous fatalities. Thus, increasing the risk to any child who is exposed to users of Spice.
Spice is continually evolving; there have been over 400 synthetic cannabinoids introduced in the past 15 years. This presents a continuing challenge to Toxicologists.
FTS works with various partners including the Manchester Metropolitan University and the Greater Manchester Police on a drug testing and knowledge exchange project called MANDRAKE. This project monitors new substances that are being used actively on the street.
FTS’ spice panel is continually evolving to reflect the current and relevant synthetic cannabinoids being used on the street. Unlike other laboratories our panel does not consist of synthetic cannabinoids, which have not been found for a number of years or in some instances, never found in the UK.