Company Policies

Terms and Conditions of Service

A copy of our terms and conditions is available on request. Please contact us for details.

Environmental Policy Statement

FTS is committed to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.

The key points of its strategy to achieve this are:

  • Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
  • Minimise toxic emissions through the selection and use of its chemicals and the source of its power requirement.
  • Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers and suppliers.
  • Source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution.
  • Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the company.
  • Work towards offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions generated by our activities.

Policy Review

The environmental policy will need to be reviewed routinely every other year.

All aspects of the policy are monitored as an on-going practice.

A regular review will be carried out by the management.

Confidentiality and Disclaimer Notice

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Forensic Testing Service Ltd, Registered in England and Wales number 7010258. Registered Office: Aspect House, Grove Business Park, Wantage, Oxfordshire, England, OX12 9FA

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Statement 2024

The information in this statement is part of the Forensic Access Group’s Corporate and
Social Responsibility (CSR) policies and approved by our Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
It details the policies, procedures, and actions to mitigate against the risk of modern
slavery and human trafficking in our business or supply chains.
It covers all business activities across the group, including Forensic Access,
IntaForensics, Alecto Forensics, Analytical Services International and Forensic Testing
Services, and is compliant with the modern Slavery Act 2015.

Introduction and Commitment
Modern slavery and human trafficking are violations of fundamental human rights.
They may take various forms, including slavery, bonded, and forced labour, sex
trafficking, child labour and domestic servitude. These criminal activities all
deprive people of liberty to exploit them for personal or commercial gain and
modern slavery is a criminal offence under the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, and
the Forensic Access Group and its companies fully commits to following its
guidance and laws.

The Act imposes obligations on organisations of a certain size which carry out
business in the United Kingdom. Modern slavery can occur in various forms, including
servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in
common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another to exploit them for personal
or commercial gain.

Forensic Access Group has adopted this policy with the aim of preventing
opportunities for modern slavery occurring within its businesses and supply chains.
Our standard operating procedures set out our arrangements as part of our corporate
social responsibility.
This policy applies to:
• All employees, officers, and Directors of Forensic Access Group companies.
• Sales agents, vendors, contractors, representatives, advisors and other third
parties acting on behalf of Forensic Access Group.
• Contractors and suppliers of goods and/or works or services to Forensic Access

Forensic Access Group has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, and we will
take all necessary measures to identify and combat risks to our business.

We are committed to ethical principles with integrity in all our business dealings and
relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to
ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of
our supply chains.

Forensic Access Business and Structure
Forensic Access was set up in 1986 to ensure that legal defence teams could
access the same level of forensic science expertise as their counterparts in
prosecution. Fast-forward 35 years and the Forensic Access Group is a widely
recognised market leader providing a breadth of forensic science services.

Our expert teams bring together scientific excellence with an incisive knowledge of
the legal system and fluency in articulating often complex issues in a compelling way.
Dedicated Casework Managers work alongside our scientists to streamline processes
and make sure that reports are delivered on time and on budget.

Quality is at the heart of everything we do, and all work is carried out to rigorous
quality standards, ensuring the validity and longevity of our findings.

Companies in Forensic Access Group
Forensic Access Group is comprised of five complimentary companies who all
operate and deliver products and services to organisations across the UK.

Together, we ensure balance of forensic science expertise in court, and second
opinions for organisations.

Our People, Sectors, and Clients
Forensic Access Group employs over 200 highly skilled, highly professional people.
Having an engaging and inspirational workforce is crucial to delivering the type of
service critical to securing the outcomes our clients expect. Our staff engaging in
any forensic work are all security cleared.
We work closely with specialist recruitment agencies to ensure all potential staff are
vetted undergo our rigorous due diligence assessment to ensure that they are
recruiting in line with our policies and values, and that they apply our social values
recruitment practices.

Employees within Forensic Access Group provide a wide range of scientific advice and
guidance to defence solicitors and lawyers, police prosecution teams, local authorities
and corporate clients. We provide forensic science expertise in court, and second
opinions for police in legal cases and train people in the crucial work of criminal

Preventative Steps and Social Values
To prevent the occurrence of incidents of modern slavery within our own business
and throughout our supply chain we carry out due diligence processes in relation
to ensuring slavery and/or human trafficking does not take place in our
organisation or supply chains, and we have a documented policy detailing
measures and preventative steps.

Forensic Access Group identify, monitor, and assess those areas of our business and
supply chain most at risk from modern slavery and implement initiatives to enhance
risk management effectiveness. This incorporates anti-slavery and human trafficking
obligations as part of our procurement agreements and contractual processes and,
where appropriate, we carry out an audit and/or investigation of the activities of those
contractors, suppliers or business partners deemed high risk.

New employees and all staff undergo training to ensure that our policies regarding the
Act are embedded into the culture within which we operate, and we engage with our
customers, suppliers, and contractors to make them aware of our Modern Slavery
Policy and communicate with them our expectations of adherences to our

As an extension of our policies and adherence to the Act, we believe in diversity and
inclusion and social values plays an important part of the culture of any company.
Every organisation has aspects in daily working which are good, and not so good, but
we do our best to create a positive working environment which encourages all of
those that work with us to feel appreciated and supportive of their daily business
activities and decisions they make.

We have invested time and effort to analyse our social and local economic value
impact against individual contracts, and we are able to measure this using the National
Themes Measures & Outcomes (TOM’s) methodology to quantify of our impact on
jobs, innovation, diversity, the environment and personal development, and clients can
obtain these independently produced reports against a predefined set of valued
targets. This way both Forensic Access and our clients can see social value evidence
as part of their contract delivery. We now encourage all new customers to use the
TOM’s frameworks for monitoring our Social Value performance.

Governance and Policies
Our commitment to human rights and the modern slavery Act is monitored by our
HR personnel and senior leadership team. Total accountability is held by the board
of directors and business unit directors who are accountable for their business
operations, with the company’s Chief Executive Officer having final sign-off of this
The following company policies support us in mitigating the risks of modern
slavery in our business and supply chain and are available upon request. The
policies are managed by HR and are embedded in our company-wide management

Diversion and Inclusion Policy
Forensic Access Group has an Equality and Diversity Policy which outlines the
Company’s commitment to achieving a working environment which provides an equal
opportunity of working for all staff.

The company is committed to achieving a working environment which provides
equality of opportunity and freedom from unlawful discrimination on the grounds of
age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and
maternity, race (including ethnic origin, colour, nationality and national origin), religion
and or belief, sex and sexual orientation, believing that all employees and clients are
entitled to be treated with respect and dignity.

Management Responsibility
It is the responsibility of all managers for ensuring that all those who report to them
understand and comply with the Modern Slavery policy by allocating sufficient and
appropriate resources to implement and ensure compliance with this policy including
ongoing training and awareness. Their responsibility also includes operating and
maintaining internal control systems to prevent the occurrence of modern slavery in
our supply chains with employees responsible for conducting business in a manner
such that the opportunity for any incidence of modern slavery is prevented and
avoiding any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy.

Compliance and Code of Conduct
All staff are required to read, understand, and comply with the Modern Slavery policy
and report any breaches of this policy either within the business or supply chains. Staff
are reminded that there are systems in place to encourage the reporting of concerns
and to protect against whistle blowing.

Supplier Expectations
Our policy details the principles of how we will conduct business in an honest and
transparent manner and expect the same from our suppliers and partners. This
includes our expectations for our suppliers to never use or support practices that
involve the use of children or hold an individual group into the modern slavery Act.
This includes labour exploitation in line with the Act.
We expect all our suppliers to communicate any issues of compliance with our
expectations within 7 working days and expect all our suppliers to report any breaches
through their own procedures.

Supporting Human Rights
Our Human Rights Policy details our labour and workplace rights. We are committed
to providing fair working conditions for all our employees, this includes working hours,
flexible working and hybrid working (where possible), terms and conditions of
employment, remuneration, health and safety, holiday entitlements and benefits.
Our employees’ pay will not be lower than that required by local law and the
government’s specified minimum living wage.

Registered office: Forensic Access Limited, Aspect House, Grove Business Park, Wantage, Oxfordshire
OX12 9FA. Company No: 05107377. VAT Registered No: 837 267012

Board Approvals
Executive Officer approved this statement on behalf of the of the group on 3rd May 2024.
Signed: Tim Walton, Chief Executive Officer

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